I have seen these signs in the past and always thought how convenient it will be when I am pregnant to park in those spots. Then once I was pregnant I couldn't bring myself to actually park in them, I felt like I wasn't "pregnant enough". So last night I was going to make a big pot of chili for the Colts game when I realized I was missing a few key ingredients, so I jumped in the car and headed to Marsh. I decided since it was cold and I was only picking up a few things I would park in the "Expecting Mothers" parking spot. Now I am addicted!!!! I believe I will continue to seek out stores that have these special parking spots (if you know of any please let me know :), it was so convenient and I can only imagine how nice it will be once the baby is here. Now if I can just get every store I visit on board with these signs that would be great!!!!
One great perk of being pregnant!!!
At the end of my pregnancy...I just decided I could park in the HANDICAP parking! I was way too big and way too swollen to be walking...
So at the end...when you don't care if they have the "Expecting Mother" parking...just hunt out the handicap parking!
No one will argue with a "very pregnant" woman!
Can't wait to see you!
I like Marsh because their sign also specifies that it is okay for parents with toddlers to use (although calling an almost three year-old a toddler might be stretching it a bit....). Keep that in mind for the future! Dirk and I used to roll our eyes at those signs, but we have since seen the light and "get it" now!!!
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