Thursday, April 23, 2009

House Arrest...bedrest

Well today was an interesting morning, I had a 9:00am doctor appointment that Adam accompanied me too. The nurse came in the room to take my blood pressure which has been running high for a few weeks now. I could immediately tell by the look on her face that it wasn't good, plus she said "take a deep breath and let me take that again". My BP was 140/100, way too high. Dr. Paas immediately sent me over to labor and delivery to be monitored and possibly induced if my blood pressure didn't go down. I was put on all kinds of monitors and they drew blood, AGAIN. The nurse felt the veins in my left arm and she said "have you had a lot of labs drawn during this pregnancy?" I of course responded with a YES and that it's pretty pathetic that she could tell that by feeling my veins, I thank my dad for that in passing down the negative blood type.

I was monitored for an hour with my blood pressure being taken every 15 minutes, it continually started to go down as I laid there. So as you may have guessed it they sent me home to be on bed rest until Maddy decides to come. The only good news of the day was that I am having contractions even though I don't really feel them. The only way I could tell I was having a contraction was because Madelyn's heartbeat would go up about 30 bpm when they were happening.

As we were leaving my nurse politely said "see you next week" and winked. I sure hope she is right because I am going to go nuts being at home all day, not to mention probably driving my husband nuts too. Sorry honey!!!!

I can't forget to tell you about the highlight of Adam's day while at the hospital. I was laying in the bed and all of the sudden I see this huge shadow outside the window on the wall. The nurse says "oh yeah we have 2 turkey vultures that roost up here on this ledge". The two huge birds sat at my window the whole time we were there and Adam was pretty entertained, I have to say they were two of the ugliest birds I have ever seen. It made the time go fast at least!!!

1 comment :

Kara said...

So sorry to hear you were put on bed rest. I'll be thinking of you and praying Maddy decides to come early! I love you!!!