Sunday, January 6, 2013

Double The Fun

Most of our friends and family know the adventure we are about to embark on, Adam and I found out the beginning of November that we were expecting our second baby. We were both thrilled and excited that once again it happened very easily for us, we have been extremely blessed.

I immediately called and set up our first OB appointment where they said they would do an ultrasound to verify everything was okay. The appointment was on November 26th and of course we were very excited but I was nervous as well. That first ultrasound is always nerve racking, I seem to always prepare myself for the worst just in case the news isn't good. We showed up for our appointment at 8:30am, we weren't going to be seeing the doctor but just having an ultrasound which is standard at my OB office at 8 weeks. We sat patiently in the waiting room for my name to be called, a few short minutes later it was time!

We headed back into the ultrasound room with Cindy; she had done our ultrasounds when I was pregnant with Madelyn. Cindy gave me instructions and left the room for a few minutes, at this point we were holding hands and I had grown pretty quiet with anticipation. When Cindy entered the room she immediately got started pulling my file up on the computer, I could see my name on the large flat screen TV in front of us. As she began the ultrasound we could immediately see the baby and I could see the heart flutter. She focused in on the heart and we got to hear the heart beat at 8 weeks, we were thrilled. She then began checking other things like the yolk sac and my uterus, that's when I saw it!! I immediately noticed what looked like two yolk sacs with two babies. I said "IS THAT TWO"? Cindy looked at us with a small smile on her face and said" well that's what I am checking but yes, it looks like twins". My immediate reaction was uncontrollable laughter that quickly turned to tears of panic. What??? We cannot be having two more babies; to my surprise Adam was very calm and reassuring. I am fairly certain he was flipping out on the inside but did an excellent job of staying calm and collected on the outside. Adam held my hand and just kept saying it's going to be okay, we will be fine.

We went on to check Baby B with the ultrasound and he or she also had a strong heartbeat but was measuring a few days smaller then Baby A. Cindy the ultrasound tech and nurse Julie said not to worry as this is very normal and especially so early on. They did a blood draw and gave me some new instructions that were a bit different then if I had just been having one baby, for example I was now to take a prescription strength prenatal vitamin plus folic acid 3 times a day. I think the biggest shock was they told me to eat around 3500 calories a day, I just kept thinking how’s that possible. I am sure they told me other things as well but with just learning the news of twins everything seemed to blur.

Before leaving the office they had us schedule another ultrasound a week later so they could measure Baby B again to be sure he or she was growing and gaining weight. Adam and I walked out of that office in complete shock but also very excited. I remember the elevator ride down stairs being very quiet! We said our goodbyes and headed to work, how in the world I worked that day I am really not sure. I called Adam an hour or so later just to be sure he was okay, I was still in shock.

Later that night we came up with a plan to tell our parents, we hadn't even shared that we were expecting yet so this was going to be a double surprise for them. We decided that coming Saturday we would invite his parents to our home to watch the IU basketball game, my parents thought they were coming to watch Madelyn while we went Christmas shopping. I had already purchased a cute shirt for Maddy to wear that said "Merry Christmas to me, because I'm a big sister to be". Maddy was wearing the shirt when they all arrived and it didn't take long for them to figure out that we were going to be having a baby. After the excitement of the baby died down a bit that's when I asked if they would like to see the ultrasound pictures because we had one more surprise. TWINS!!!!!! Lots of hugs, tears, laughter and shock set in. I am sure my dad actually had to pick his chin up off the floor, he was shocked. Then the cell phones came out and the news was being shared with family. It really was a fun and special night!!

Since that first ultrasound I have had three more for a total of four so far, everything looks great and the babies are both growing fast and strong. Baby B has caught up with Baby A and right now they are positioned head to head. I'm sure it won't be the last time!

The shock has begun to clear and now it's more of preparation and organization. We are going to have to make some changes in our lifestyle and get ready for these babies but we couldn't be happier!


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