Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Post Baby Weight Loss

The dreaded weight loss after baby (babies), it's something you start planning for those last few months of pregnancy. What is my action plan going to be? How will I lose the weight? How hard will it be? All questions/ thoughts that start swimming through your head.  

With this pregnancy I gained 42 pounds, much better than the 68 I gained with my first pregnancy, and with twins I might add.  At 7 weeks post- partum I have lost 33 of the 42 pounds.  Now, don't get me wrong, 14 of that was straight babies.  The thing is, I don't just want to lose the remaining 9 pounds to get to my pre-pregnancy weight. I have 34 more pounds I need to shed. I'm not going to lie, that number is terrifying to me but I also know it's possible. 

My goal is to run my first half marathon next May. I have plenty of time to train but feel like I need to put it out there in the universe to hold myself accountable. I started running before I got pregnant and  had got to where I could run 4 miles. Then I found out I was having twins and running was no longer an option for me. Now I am starting back over at square one. I have been cleared by my doctor and bought myself some new running shoes, it's time to hit the pavement!  

I am looking forward to it, this is me time.  I enjoy the sound of my feet hitting the pavement, call me crazy but I don't listen to music when I run. I love to hear the sounds around me and I feel like I am more intune with my breathing when I have no distractions. 

So wish me luck on my goal to 13.1 miles, I am sure there will be ups and plenty of downs to share. Here is to getting healthy!

My first 5k from last summer! That was a big accomplishment for me.

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