I miss you mom! Some days it feels like an eternity since I saw you last and others it feels like only yesterday. No words can express how much I miss you each and every day. I wish you were here to share in my joy and love of Madelyn, you would adore her. She is such a sweet little girl and I know you would be over the moon for her. I am currently working on a book about you for Madelyn; I want her to know what a special lady you were.
I will be decorating my house for Christmas today as I have done on the 27th for 10 years now, in honor of you. I have so many memories of decorating with you and how much pride you took in our Christmas tree. I think you would be proud of my trees! I look forward to creating many of those same memories with Madelyn over the years.
Allie will be getting married in 9 months and I really wish you were here. I missed you while planning for my own wedding but for some reason I am missing you more while planning for Allie’s. I guess I was caught up in all of the excitement of my own wedding and this time I just wish you were to make sure it’s perfect for Allison. I will do my best but I know you would do better!!
I often find myself wishing I could call you for help on recipes; I usually end up calling dad. He is helpful but always ends up telling me I should have done something different. I try to go off memory as best I can, Allie and I both tend to make a lot of the recipes that you always did.
I miss you so much and know I am very lucky to have had you for 19 years; the amount of love you provided me in those short years is enough to last my lifetime!!
I love you mom!