We had our fourth appointment on Wednesday and everything went well. We heard the heartbeat again and it continues to get stronger, this time it was 144 beats per minute. The heartbeat will slow the farther along the baby is. I love hearing it and could listen to it for hours!!
We did find out that I have a very rare blood type and will require a few shots throughout my pregnancy. It isn't anything major but they like to do the shots as a precaution. I have O-negative blood type, only 15% of the population has this so the chances of the baby being positive blood type is where the concern comes in. We are unsure of Adam's blood type but more then likely he is positive which would give our baby a 50% chance of being positive. I guess I had to have a little excitement with the pregnancy since I lucked out of being sick the whole first trimester. Sorry to my girlfriends who weren't so lucky :(
New Year's Eve is the big day....the day we will find out if we are having a boy or girl. I was pretty bummed that it wouldn't be before Christmas. The doctor said the longer we can wait the more they will be able to check on the ultrasound. Apparently the doctors aren't too worried about the sex of the baby, they want to see the heart and brain. The nerve!!!!! I was all set to tell the receptionist we couldn't wait that long because we would be "out of town" for the holidays (a little white lie never hurt anyone) but Adam of course convinced me otherwise. So the rest of you will have to wait in suspense with us!!!!!
Family lifestyle blog, join us on our adventure raising our daughter and twin boys!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Adam and I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! We were able to celebrate with both sides of my family this year and I am very thankful to have all the family I do. Lots of kids running around and the laughter makes it exciting. We are looking forward to adding our own kiddo to the bunch!!! I feel like I'm on a high when I leave my family functions because of all the laughter we share, usually it can be attributed to my father. I can see even though my dad and his sisters are grown he still drives them nuts, I'm not sure if it's because he was the only boy or because he was the baby. It makes me smile and hope that one day we will have a family just the same.
Adam and I have a lot to be thankful for this year, with the economy right now we are both very blessed to have our jobs. We have great families who live close and we are able to visit with often. Our friends are very special to us and we feel blessed to have each and every one of them in our lives. Most of all we are very thankful to be having a baby and everything so far is going so smoothly. We are very fortunate!!
We wanted to say "thank you" to our friends and family and let you all know you are loved. We wish everyone a happy holiday season!
Adam and Sara
Adam and I have a lot to be thankful for this year, with the economy right now we are both very blessed to have our jobs. We have great families who live close and we are able to visit with often. Our friends are very special to us and we feel blessed to have each and every one of them in our lives. Most of all we are very thankful to be having a baby and everything so far is going so smoothly. We are very fortunate!!
We wanted to say "thank you" to our friends and family and let you all know you are loved. We wish everyone a happy holiday season!
Adam and Sara
Sunday, November 16, 2008
15 Weeks 3 days
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
An Obama baby!!

I don't know why but for some reason numerous times in my adult life I have had people say "your a Reagan baby" after asking when I was born. I have always thought this was odd but I always respond with a "yes, that's right".
After staying up way too late last night to watch the election results it occured to me that Adam and I would have an Obama baby. No matter who you voted for in this election the results are in and Barack Obama will be our President for the next 4 years. As Adam and I were talking about it last night I mentioned that we will have a 3 year old by the time we have another presidential election... kind of crazy to think about. Adam's response was "we'll probably have another one on the way by that time". Even crazier to think about!!!
Today I printed Barack Obama's speech and will put it in the baby book so our little one will have this piece of history to reflect back on when someone says "your an Obama baby".
Monday, November 3, 2008
3rd OB Appointment
Adam and I had our 3rd doctor appointment on Friday. Everything went well, we were able to hear the heartbeat again. Dr. Mernitz assured me that it sounded healthy!!
While listening to the heartbeat you could hear the baby moving around. I told Dr. Mernitz that I thought I had felt it move a few times but everything I have been reading said it was to early? He said "I believe you, I am pretty sure I felt it move while we were listening to the heartbeat." I felt confirmed in my suspicions! I guess I had my first experience with mother's intuition...I knew I had felt the baby move. The scary thing is, I think we may have a rambunctious one on our hands.
Our next appointment is November 26th, at that appointment we will schedule our ultrasound to find out if we are going to be blessed with a boy or girl. If everything goes as planned we should know the week before Christmas!!
While listening to the heartbeat you could hear the baby moving around. I told Dr. Mernitz that I thought I had felt it move a few times but everything I have been reading said it was to early? He said "I believe you, I am pretty sure I felt it move while we were listening to the heartbeat." I felt confirmed in my suspicions! I guess I had my first experience with mother's intuition...I knew I had felt the baby move. The scary thing is, I think we may have a rambunctious one on our hands.
Our next appointment is November 26th, at that appointment we will schedule our ultrasound to find out if we are going to be blessed with a boy or girl. If everything goes as planned we should know the week before Christmas!!
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