We transitioned Madelyn to her "big girl" bed over the weekend, it was a bitter sweet moment for me. As I left her room Saturday night after reading her a story, it was such a strange feeling seeing her in that big bed. It seems like just a few days ago that we brought her home from the hospital, and laid her in the crib for the first time.
So far she has done pretty well, see this was more then just a new bed for her. I have rocked my baby girl to sleep every night for the past 27 months. I realize that people think I'm nuts and that I should just put her in the crib to fall asleep on her own. The thing is...as a working mom this was my favorite time of the day, to hold her and rock her to sleep in my arms. So, we have now transitioned into the laying down together in her bed and reading a story and singing a few songs. Within 20 minutes she is fast asleep and I can "sneak" out of the room.
This is another situation where I have learned that this whole growing up thing is much harder on the parents!!
And for those inquiring minds....NO, we do not need the crib for baby #2, at least not yet!
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