Adam and I thought it would be fun to go look at baby furniture and other necessities this weekend, so we ventured out Friday night and after just two stops we were a bit overwhelmed. Who knew there were so many choices and how do you decide on the "right one"?
I definitely had my first "I have no idea what I am doing" moment. I am sure the first of many thousands to come! How do you know that crib is sturdier then the others? How do you know the paint won't chip off? Do you really need a changing table or will a dresser with a changing pad work just fine? Then you have to pick out a can't lay down on them and try them out like you would if picking out your own.
Then there is the issue of car seats, strollers, and travel systems. In my personal opinion the manufactures don't do a very good job of making them unisex. I am sorry but orange and lime green don't scream girl to me, nor do purple and pink scream boy. The selection of neutral colors are very slim. We do plan on finding out what we are having but I would like to be able to use some of this stuff for a possible second baby and who knows what we will have.
I honestly feel like stopping every mom or dad I see and asking them "are you happy with your choice in stroller'? How about your car seat, is it light, easy to install?
Oh and don't get me started on child care???????????????????????????
I know it's only the beginning!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Family lifestyle blog, join us on our adventure raising our daughter and twin boys!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Thank You!!!

I wanted to extend a special thank you to a few of my girlfriends!!! Kristen and Sacha!! I am so thankful that the two of you have recently had babies and are able to answer all of my crazy questions. Don't worry I am sure there will be many more to come.
The past few weeks have been really hard not having my mom to ask all of the "is this normal" questions and you both have been great. I am truly blessed to have such great friends and I can't wait to introduce you to our little one!! He or she will be blessed to have you in their lives as well.
The past few weeks have been really hard not having my mom to ask all of the "is this normal" questions and you both have been great. I am truly blessed to have such great friends and I can't wait to introduce you to our little one!! He or she will be blessed to have you in their lives as well.
I love you!!!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
1st OB Appointment!
Adam and I had our first appointment today with the baby doctor. It was mainly informational but still very exciting. I enjoyed seeing all the pregnant ladies and their bellies. I think we both felt reassured about our office choice and hospital. I of course had lots of questions and realized that Adam may know more then I do about what I should and shouldn't be doing. I guess the book I bought him is working!!! I still think daddy bootcamp may be in his future!
Our next appointment is October 2nd and we will have our first ultrasound then!!!!
Our next appointment is October 2nd and we will have our first ultrasound then!!!!
Happy Birthday Dad!!!!!!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Ugh...morning sickness
Well everyone keeps asking "How are you feeling?". Up until yesterday I was feeling great, just a little tired. As of today the thought of food or the smell of food makes me want to sprint to the bathroom. Grocery shopping tonight should be an adventure!!!!!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Here goes nothin!!!
As Adam and I embark on this new adventure in our lives we thought a blog would be a great way to share this experience with our family and friends. We have friends and family scattered in many cities and states and phone calls are sometimes few and far between so we figure what better way to stay updated then a blog!
Some of you may have heard from us or through the grape vine that Adam and I are expecting our first baby in May 2009. We are very excited, anxious, scared and a whole host of other emotions about this experience but we are welcoming it with open arms.
We look forward to sharing this experience with you all!
Adam and Sara
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