Madelyn is 6 months old today, I can't believe it. It does not feel like 6 months ago that we were at St. Vincent Hospital welcoming her to the world. People constantly tell us to enjoy every second because it goes by so quickly, I now know what they mean.
Adam and I have learned a lot in the last 6 months, not only about having a baby but also about each other. You always hear the first year of marriage is the hardest, well I would beg to differ. I believe the first year after having a baby is the hardest...but also the BEST. Adam and I are learning how to give Madelyn all the attention she deserves while still giving each other the attention we deserve. Time management has a whole new meaning, I never thought I would spend so much of my time doing laundry and cleaning bottles.
Madelyn is almost crawling and loves scooting around in her walker, each day we notice something different. Her personality is really starting to develop and though I think she comes by it naturally, I have never seen a more impatient baby. The girl knows what she wants and when she wants it!
We have Madelyn's 6 month check-up next week and we will update you all on her latest stats.
Madelyn Rose,
Your daddy and I love you more then you will ever know; you bring smiles to our faces each and every day. We couldn't have asked for a more perfect addition to our family. We love to watch you grow and learn; it is fun to watch your personality develop. We know you will have many more achievements in your life time but we are already so proud of you.
It is hard to believe you are already six months old. There have been long nights and many times we haven’t known what to do but you have been a trooper. We think we are getting the hang of this parenting thing!!
Thank you for bringing such joy to our lives!
Love you forever,
Mommy and Daddy
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