Well I can't believe Maddy is already a month old, it really is true when people tell you that time goes so fast and they change so much. We had a few challenges in the first month but now that the acid reflux is under control things are much easier and Madelyn is much happier.
Maddy is much more alert and aware of her surroundings, she actually likes to lay on her play mat and play, likes to sit in her swing and look around at everything, and the newest discovery is smiling. I am working to get some smiles on camera but it's hard when you are holding her and she starts smiling to put her down and run to get the camera. She was full of smiles last night and this morning we had a few as well, it's so exciting as a first time mom to enjoy these little milestones.
1 comment :
Oh, Sara... she is adorable! We need to come down and see her!!!
I am glad to hear she is doing well!
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