Maddy's first Christmas was a busy one, but so much fun. We visited my family in Bloomington on Christmas Eve and celebrated the Williams Christmas at the B&B with 25of my aunts, uncles and cousins.
We had Christmas at our house on Christmas morning, my family made the trip from Bloomington and my dad made his famous breakfast. This is a tradition I'm not willing to part with, for some reason it's just better then any other breakfast I have the rest of the year.
Christmas afternoon we headed to Anderson to celebrate with Adam's family, we had a great dinner and opened lots of presents. Maddy enjoyed the bows and tissue paper the most!
Adam and I really enjoyed this Christmas with Madelyn, having a child of your own really puts a new perspective on the Holidays and what they're all about. I put a few pictures together in a slide show below.
Family lifestyle blog, join us on our adventure raising our daughter and twin boys!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Well Christmas has come and gone and it felt like a complete whirlwind. We were finally able to get both cars unloaded with all the gifts we received and I'm hoping to get them put away in the next few days, though I am not sure where we will put all of it.
We hope you all had a Merry Christmas!
Madelyn's 1st Christmas Pics to follow soon!
We hope you all had a Merry Christmas!
Madelyn's 1st Christmas Pics to follow soon!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Christmas Pictures
If you copy and paste the attached link you can see some Christmas Pics we had taken of Madelyn. She of course got a rug burn on her nose two days before pictures, crawling and pulling up has taken a toll on her head. You will notice that the last few pictures we had her nose retouched as if she never even had the boo boo.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Breakfast with Santa!
Madelyn and I wanted to give a big “thank you” to Grammy McCord for taking us to have breakfast with Santa this past Saturday. Nordstrom department store does a great thing for kids every year and this year Maddy and I were able to attend with Lucinda, Margaux and Adrienne.
Madelyn and Adrienne had a great time, Santa came around and talked to every table and found out what each kiddo wanted for Christmas, then his elves helped paint faces and make balloon characters. After breakfast we went downstairs to the kids department and there was more face painting, story time and of course the opportunity to sit on Santa’s lap.
Maddy was quite intrigued with Santa during breakfast but when it was time to sit on his lap she wasn't too sure. She did give his beard a yank though, it was real!! Madelyn enjoyed playing with a few other kids during story time but I am pretty sure her favorite part was talking to her mirror image in the shoe department mirrors. They just happen to be the perfect level.
Enjoy the pics, we will have more pictures with Santa taken later this week!!
Friday, December 4, 2009
We have a crawler, I will hopefully post some pictures and video soon. Madelyn has been trying so hard the past week and finally on Wednesday night it seemed to "click". Last night she was all over our bedroom floor as I put laundry away.
Adam and I are both so excited...but I know our lives just became a whole lot crazier!
Adam and I are both so excited...but I know our lives just became a whole lot crazier!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Trees are up and Maddy helped!
Every year we put up our Christmas tree on November 27th, it marks another year since my mom passed away. My sister and I started putting our Christmas trees up on that date the year after my mom died. This year Allison is back living at home and didn't have a tree of her own to put up, so she came to our house on Friday and helped us. It was great to have her here and it was that much more special since its Madelyn’s first Christmas.
I decided we needed 3 trees this year instead of our usual two. Adam was less then excited about this but I have always been a little over the top when it comes to Christmas and decorating. It just makes me smile!
Allie bought Maddy her first ornament to hang on the tree, it is a beautiful silver, engraved ornament with the year and Madelyn’s initials. I helped Maddy open it and she was more interested in the tissue paper then the ornament itself. Allison helped Maddy hang it on the tree; I loved every second of it! I can’t wait for the years to come as she becomes just as excited about Christmas and decorating for the holiday. It will be such a thrill to watch it through a child’s eyes.
Enjoy a few pictures of our finished product!

I decided we needed 3 trees this year instead of our usual two. Adam was less then excited about this but I have always been a little over the top when it comes to Christmas and decorating. It just makes me smile!
Allie bought Maddy her first ornament to hang on the tree, it is a beautiful silver, engraved ornament with the year and Madelyn’s initials. I helped Maddy open it and she was more interested in the tissue paper then the ornament itself. Allison helped Maddy hang it on the tree; I loved every second of it! I can’t wait for the years to come as she becomes just as excited about Christmas and decorating for the holiday. It will be such a thrill to watch it through a child’s eyes.
Enjoy a few pictures of our finished product!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Bowling Baby!
Well it's almost been two weeks since I have updated the blog; I am finding it really hard to pull myself away from Maddy these days to blog. She is getting so big and her personality is so fun.
Adam, Madelyn and I were able to celebrate Thanksgiving a little early with my mom's family this past Sunday. We gathered at my grandma's and enjoyed too much yummy food, all of my aunts, uncles and cousins where there, along with my sister, dad and step-mom. We started tradition years ago when my mom was still alive, of bowling on Thanksgiving Day. When I was younger we actually celebrated on Thanksgiving Day and in the evening we would all load up and drive to the bowling alley in Bloomington. It was always a blast because there was never another soul there other than our family. Since we celebrate the Sunday before now there are a few more people to share the lanes with, but it’s still always filled with laughs. My 13 year old cousin Paul has a hard time keeping his ball in the correct lane…or sometimes even in the building! :) I enjoyed introducing Madelyn to this tradition for the first time, she isn’t a bowler yet but she did love the bright colored balls and the pin ball machine. I must say “thank you” to my grandma who happily watched Maddy while the rest of us bowled. I am already looking forward to next year.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
6 Month Appointment
Madelyn had her 6 month wellness visit today with Dr. Rob. Adam and I were both anxious to see how much our big girl weighed. Maddy continues to be in the 91st percentile in height and weight of girls her age, she weighed 18 lbs 14 oz. and was 27 1/4 inches long.
Madelyn received her two normal vaccinations and a seasonal flu shot, she only cried for a few seconds and was over it. She's a tough girl!!! Dr. Rob said she looked great and is healthy, music to our ears!!
She is a bit grumpy tonight because of the vaccines and just wanted to sleep, we gave her good night kisses and let her drift off too sweet dreams a little early tonight.
Maddy's next wellness visit will be in February when she is 9 months, hard to believe.
Madelyn received her two normal vaccinations and a seasonal flu shot, she only cried for a few seconds and was over it. She's a tough girl!!! Dr. Rob said she looked great and is healthy, music to our ears!!
She is a bit grumpy tonight because of the vaccines and just wanted to sleep, we gave her good night kisses and let her drift off too sweet dreams a little early tonight.
Maddy's next wellness visit will be in February when she is 9 months, hard to believe.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Time Flys
Madelyn is 6 months old today, I can't believe it. It does not feel like 6 months ago that we were at St. Vincent Hospital welcoming her to the world. People constantly tell us to enjoy every second because it goes by so quickly, I now know what they mean.
Adam and I have learned a lot in the last 6 months, not only about having a baby but also about each other. You always hear the first year of marriage is the hardest, well I would beg to differ. I believe the first year after having a baby is the hardest...but also the BEST. Adam and I are learning how to give Madelyn all the attention she deserves while still giving each other the attention we deserve. Time management has a whole new meaning, I never thought I would spend so much of my time doing laundry and cleaning bottles.
Madelyn is almost crawling and loves scooting around in her walker, each day we notice something different. Her personality is really starting to develop and though I think she comes by it naturally, I have never seen a more impatient baby. The girl knows what she wants and when she wants it!
We have Madelyn's 6 month check-up next week and we will update you all on her latest stats.
Madelyn Rose,
Your daddy and I love you more then you will ever know; you bring smiles to our faces each and every day. We couldn't have asked for a more perfect addition to our family. We love to watch you grow and learn; it is fun to watch your personality develop. We know you will have many more achievements in your life time but we are already so proud of you.
It is hard to believe you are already six months old. There have been long nights and many times we haven’t known what to do but you have been a trooper. We think we are getting the hang of this parenting thing!!
Thank you for bringing such joy to our lives!
Love you forever,
Mommy and Daddy
Friday, October 30, 2009
Trick or Treat!
Happy Halloween from the McCords to all of you!!! Madelyn was able to make her rounds at the grandparents houses, instead of candy she received a few gifts. In my opinion this is a way better deal then getting candy!
Enjoy a few pictures of our "little monkey"!!
P.S. We did have some professional pictures taken but the website is currently down, once I can retrieve them I will post a few of those as well!!!

Enjoy a few pictures of our "little monkey"!!
P.S. We did have some professional pictures taken but the website is currently down, once I can retrieve them I will post a few of those as well!!!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Newest trick!
Courtesy of Adam, Madelyn has learned how to blow spit bubbles. I am sure the daycare ladies just love us, at least she hasn't attempted it while I have been feeding her. Needless to say, Adam is very proud!!!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Big Girl!!!
Madelyn is becoming quite the big girl; she is sitting up on her own now. I had noticed the past few weeks she was close to sitting on her own but on Monday I sat her on the floor and she didn't fall over. I put some toys around her and she just sat there and played. Its things like this that are so exciting but at the same time make me a little sad...she's getting too big already. It did make putting her laundry away easier though, she just sat there and entertained herself!
P.S. Maddy is very close to crawling and is getting quite frustrated. She currently gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth but when she tries to go forward she face plants into the floor. I have the video camera ready!!!!!

P.S. Maddy is very close to crawling and is getting quite frustrated. She currently gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth but when she tries to go forward she face plants into the floor. I have the video camera ready!!!!!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Yummy Peas!!
Madelyn tried peas last week for the first time and let's just say...they are not her favorite. We were able to get a little of her reaction on video, but not before she literally gagged with the first three bites. Maddy has tried squash, green beans, pears, peaches, sweet potatoes and prunes but they only thing she hasn't liked so far is peas. In the parenting books I have been reading it suggests you feed your baby foods they may not like 7 to 8 more times before considering it a dislike. Unfortunately for Maddy that means she will have to try the dreaded peas a few more times before I give up.
Please excuse any "baby" talk.
Please excuse any "baby" talk.
Monday, October 5, 2009
We have officially upgraded Maddy from the infant carrier to the regular car seat this past week. My back was telling me it was time! I was really struggling lifting her, plus the carrier up into my car. I was a little concerned at first because I didn't know how she would do sitting up in the grocery cart since I wouldn't have the carrier anymore. We tried it out and it went perfect!! Madelyn seems to be liking her new car seat and is really enjoying the grocery store now. Yesterday we went to Kroger and every time someone would pass us in the aisle, Maddy would strain her neck around to check them out a little longer. It was quite comical to watch, it was as if she needed each person to slow down so she could really get a good look.
I added a few pictures of Maddy in her new car seat and our grocery trip.
P.S. I can't believe she is 5 months today, time is flying by.

I added a few pictures of Maddy in her new car seat and our grocery trip.
P.S. I can't believe she is 5 months today, time is flying by.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Lil' Pumpkin
On Sunday we met my family in Trafalgar Indiana and spent the afternoon at Apple Works Orchard!! If you haven't been before, I recommend a trip sometime this fall. They have a pumpkin patch, petting zoo, kiddy train and pony rides; not to mention the awesome apple dumplings, caramel apples and tons of other yummy goodies.
Maddy will enjoy the experience a little more next year but we couldn't pass up taking her to a pumpkin patch this year!! Madelyn sported her "Lil Pumpkin" shirt courtesy of Aunt Allie; she of course couldn't go to the pumpkin patch without the appropriate attire!
Maddy was quite exhausted by the end of the day and wasn't in the mood to pose for pictures but we managed to get a few.

Maddy will enjoy the experience a little more next year but we couldn't pass up taking her to a pumpkin patch this year!! Madelyn sported her "Lil Pumpkin" shirt courtesy of Aunt Allie; she of course couldn't go to the pumpkin patch without the appropriate attire!
Maddy was quite exhausted by the end of the day and wasn't in the mood to pose for pictures but we managed to get a few.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Bath time!!
Maddy is starting to enjoy bath time, it hasn't been her favorite thing until recently. Last night she splashed and kicked so much that I might as well have taken a bath too. Maddy gets so tired afterwards, it's all I can do to get her dried off and pajamas on before she is grumpy and ready for bed. Enjoy the pics!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Let's Go Blue!!!
This past Sunday we kicked off another Colts Football season!! It was a fun day, we were able to see a few friends at the game and cheer the Colts on to victory. We took a few family pictures before the game, Maddy is sporting her Colts t-shirt and socks. We are looking forward to a fun 2009 season, GO COLTS!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
4 Months!
It is hard to believe it has already been four months since Maddy joined our world. In some aspects it feels longer then that, for instance it feels much longer then 4 months since I had a full nights sleep. So far we have seen the most changes in the fourth month, for instance she has found her voice! On Monday evening, she babbled on and on for a good 2 hours without a break, she finally took a nap and Adam and I looked at each other with a sigh of exhaustion. Whew!
Madelyn had her 4-month wellness visit yesterday with Dr. Rob; she weighed in at 16lbs. 3 oz. and 25 inches long. She is in the 90th percentile in weight for her age; surprisingly Dr. Rob said that out of a few four month olds he saw yesterday she was the smallest. She is 72% in height.
We started Maddy on cereal last night; I will post a few pictures that we took later tonight. Adam fed her and she did really well, it was the first time she sat in her high chair too. We will start on veggies this weekend and see how that goes.
Look for pictures soon!
P.S. Sorry for the delay in postings, we have been busy the past few weeks. I will do my best to get back on track!!
Madelyn had her 4-month wellness visit yesterday with Dr. Rob; she weighed in at 16lbs. 3 oz. and 25 inches long. She is in the 90th percentile in weight for her age; surprisingly Dr. Rob said that out of a few four month olds he saw yesterday she was the smallest. She is 72% in height.
We started Maddy on cereal last night; I will post a few pictures that we took later tonight. Adam fed her and she did really well, it was the first time she sat in her high chair too. We will start on veggies this weekend and see how that goes.
Look for pictures soon!
P.S. Sorry for the delay in postings, we have been busy the past few weeks. I will do my best to get back on track!!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Lazy Sunday
Yesterday we did our best to sleep in and get some rest, once we got up and moving we took a little family trip to Menard's. I know, pure excitement right? Adam had decided a few weeks ago that he wanted to build a fire pit in our back yard.
After a successful Menard's trip we returned home and the construction of the fire pit was under way, Maddy and I decided we would lay on a blanket in the yard and supervise. Next thing I know Maddy and I had successfully taken an hour nap and the fire pit was complete!!
Here are a few pics that Adam snapped while we were napping, I have to admit it was a relaxing, lazy Sunday afternoon.

After a successful Menard's trip we returned home and the construction of the fire pit was under way, Maddy and I decided we would lay on a blanket in the yard and supervise. Next thing I know Maddy and I had successfully taken an hour nap and the fire pit was complete!!
Here are a few pics that Adam snapped while we were napping, I have to admit it was a relaxing, lazy Sunday afternoon.
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